日本-インドネシア国際友好展 2013-能面-伝統美への再考-


■Sep 2013 “Topen Noh Japan –Reconseideration of Traditional Art in Japan” Gallery Maranatha in Bandung Indonesia
(2013©Galleryasumu Art and culture exchange project)




■Dec.2013 “Rupa Nusantara-Bhineka Yunggal Ika dan kami seni rupa- Museum Setagataya in Tokyo
(2013©Galleryasumu Art and culture exchange project)



■Sep 2013 “ALL Things in the Universe 2012”in Gallery 211 STSI ,Bandung ,Indonesia
(2013©Galleryasumu Art and culture exchange project)







■April.2013 “Pameran 21 art, woman, education” Gallery Maranatha Kristian University ,Bandung ,Indonesia
