
Japan-Indonesia International Friendship Exhibition 2018 PosterⒸAsia Art and Culture Association , All Right Reserved “Gallery Asumu Art Space”

《日本ーインドネシア国際友好展2018  展覧会ポスター》

 2018年度《日本インドネシア国際友好展 》のメイン・ビジュアルは,水谷 靖(みずたにやすし)作『能面‐若女(わかおんな)』(ひのき・顔料 , 2013)に決定された。



Yasushi Mizutani,《wakaonna》 ’Japan-Indonesia International Friendship Exhibition‐NEO ASIA NEO JAPON 2018 ⒸAsia Art and Culture Association , All Right Reserved “Gallery Asumu Art Space.

 バンドゥンの会場内で催される【アジア国際友好展2018 シンポジウム】では,『日本の能面について』の水谷靖氏より講演が行われる。












"Japan - Indonesia International Friendship Exhibition NEO ASIA NEO JAPON 2018 Poster"

The main visual Poster "Japan Indonesia International Friendship Exhibition NEO ASIA NEO JAPON 2018" is Mr. Yasushi Mizutani's "Noh mask- Young Woman (Hinoki ·Japanese Pigment, 2013).

"Japan Indonesia International Friendship Exhibition "will be held at Gallery 212,Indonesian Art and Culture Institute of Bandung.

Main art works Noh masks produced by Mr. Yasushi Mizutani, and join with artworks from Japanese designers, photographers ,art educators and youngest artists.


It will introduce about Mr. Yasushi Mizutani:

He Was Born in SHIZUOKA, 1951.
1979, graduated from the Department of Sculpture at Tokyo Art University.
He was taught for a long time at Japanese university.

He was starting from contemporary artist. However when he was at the age of 44.He was started creative Japanese traditional art of Noh masks.

Why he was changed art style? It was reason for spirits of artistic Noh masks.
Process of producing Noh masks, all the skills of woods sculpture has traditional conventions and many more rules than anything else. The opposite way of thinking modern art theory.

What is Noh? It is a major form of classical Japanese musical drama that has been performed since the 14th century. Japanese "Noh" is the meaning of talent, ability, skill, all the skills that the owner of professional skills exerts are "Noh".

The masks are more than just props but have the magical factor which lends the performer some kind of supernatural power. "Noh masks" look up a little bit gives an impression of a subtle smile and tilts down a little bit gives an impression of sadness.

It should be an important opportunity from reconsideration from Japanese artworks.

Neo Asia Neo Japon 2018 hope so success.

《Report―Committee of Asia International Friendship Exhibition)

